Executive Search
Når du overlader en forretningskritisk search til os, kan du forvente, at vi vil identificere og tiltrække kandidater med den faglige ekspertise, personlighed og ambitioner der skal til for at flytte jeres organisation i den rigtige retning i forhold til markedets udvikling.
Hos Venaris betjener vi både danske og internationale kunder med skræddersyede rekrutteringsprojekter samt ledelsesvurdering og karriereudvikling særligt på specialist-, leder- og direktionsniveau.
Based on our comprehensive experience and our continuously evolving knowledge of the current market, we dare to challenge our clients’ perspective on current hiring needs and the ideal profile, ensuring the best personal, professional, and cultural fit. We are invested beyond the individual recruitment, as we are deeply interested in ensuring that all our clients emerge stronger on the other side.
We help candidates pursue their potential by joining companies that offer them the challenges and opportunities they dream of. At Venaris, we do not work with standard routines, because we strongly believe that companies are different and people are unique. We call this client and candidate excellence.
Reach out to Morten Islin to learn more about our executive search process.